Get Your Free EIN

Fast, secure, and hassle-free EIN application service for U.S. and international businesses

Application for Employer Identification Number

*Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.*

Contact Information

Where should we send your EIN once it's ready?

Business Legal Information

Business Type

Select how your business is legally organized. This should match your state formation documents.

Reason for Applying

Select the primary reason you need an EIN. This helps determine which information is required for your application.

Employee Information

Include all types of employees: full-time, part-time, and seasonal.

Mailing Address

Responsible Party Information

The responsible party is the person who ultimately owns or controls the entity or exercises ultimate effective control over the entity.

Note: SSN/ITIN is not required for foreign responsible parties

Business Details


Please sign below to certify that the information provided is true and accurate.

Common Questions About EIN Applications

Learn more about the EIN application process and requirements.

What do I need to do before applying for an EIN?

Before applying for an EIN, make sure you have: 1) Formed your legal entity through your state if you're creating an LLC, partnership, or corporation. Don't apply for an EIN until your entity is legally formed.

What is the process for getting an EIN through your service?

The process is simple: 1) Fill out this form with your business information, 2) We'll email you the completed SS-4 form for your signature, 3) Sign and email the form back to us, 4) We'll submit it to the IRS on your behalf, and 5) You'll receive your EIN within 4 business days.

How long does it take to get an EIN?

When using our service, you can expect to receive your EIN within 4 business days. If you have a SSN, you can also apply for free directly through the [IRS website]( and receive your EIN now.

How will I receive my EIN?

Once your EIN is ready, we will send it to the email address you provided in the contact information section of this form. You'll receive official documentation that you can use immediately for your business needs.

What is an EIN?

An Employer Identification Number (EIN) is a unique nine-digit number assigned by the IRS to identify your business for tax purposes. It's sometimes called a Federal Tax ID Number.

Who needs an EIN?

You need an EIN if you: have employees, operate as a corporation or partnership, file employment/excise tax returns, or withhold taxes on non-wage income paid to non-resident aliens. Additionally, partnerships, corporations, nonprofits, farmers' cooperatives, and REMICs must have an EIN for any tax-related purpose, even without employees.

Do I need a new EIN if my business structure changes?

It depends. You need a new EIN if you incorporate a sole proprietorship or form a partnership. However, you don't need a new EIN if you only: (a) changed your business name, (b) elected to change how you are taxed on Form 8832, or (c) terminated a partnership because at least 50% of interests were sold within 12 months.

What if I'm buying an existing business?

If you're purchasing a going business, you'll need a new EIN. However, if you're acquiring a corporation by buying its stock, you should continue using the existing EIN.

What about single-member LLCs?

Single-member LLCs need an EIN if they: file Form 8832 for entity classification, file employment or excise tax returns, need it for state reporting purposes, or are foreign-owned U.S. disregarded entities filing Form 5472.

What is a Responsible Party?

A responsible party is the person who ultimately owns or controls the entity or exercises ultimate effective control. For foreign-owned entities, this can be the principal officer, general partner, grantor, owner, or trustor.

Do I need an SSN/ITIN to get an EIN?

While U.S. persons need an SSN or ITIN, foreign responsible parties without an SSN/ITIN can still obtain an EIN through alternative methods such as calling the IRS international EIN line, filing by mail/fax, or using this service.

What if I only need an EIN for banking purposes?

If you only need an EIN for banking purposes, you'll still need to provide basic information including your legal name, business address, responsible party information, and business type. The process remains the same, but fewer details may be required on the application.

What about trusts and estates?

Trusts (except grantor trusts using Optional Method 1) and estates that need to file tax returns require an EIN. For estates, this is typically needed to report estate income on Form 1041. IRA trusts filing Form 990-T also need an EIN.

I'm an S corporation - do I need a new EIN?

If you're an existing corporation that's electing or revoking S corporation status, you should continue using your previously-assigned EIN. However, new S corporations will need to apply for an EIN.

Can I apply for an EIN directly through the IRS instead?

Yes, you can apply directly through the IRS website. While our service offers a streamlined process with support, you can also apply for free directly through the [IRS website]( Note that if your principal business is outside the US, you cannot use the IRS online application and must apply by phone, fax, or mail.